Be an ipi friend.
Help a Parent.
Save a Child.

In today's rapidly changing world, the need for Informed Parenting is more critical than ever. And you can help...
Today's ALPHA generation of children is oversaturated with influencers competing for their attention – from peers to celebrities to technology. As a result, many parents feel at a loss on how to recapture or sustain their parental influence.

Then, there are those caregivers struggling to parent effectively through chronic stress, as provided by work, unexpected emergencies, household conflict, and other such events that impact an entire family's mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Traditional parenting practices are proving increasingly ineffective for addressing these issues. And research shows that most caregivers are unaware of the additional options at their disposal.

Join IPI today in establishing a community – a world – in which every child's parent is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to raise children to their fullest potential.
1) Make Connections Happen
Help IPI connect these families to the evidence-based education, resources, and know-how (aka, Informed Parenting) needed to successfully abate the adverse behaviors (and impacts) the aforementioned issues often have on children and to realize the positive outcomes these parents are seeking for their families.
Someone You Know Needs Us
Gift a 10-hour parenting session ($375) scholarship to a family in need. The scholarship's name can be the Recipient's name or be named in dedication to a departed loved one, an organization, etc.
Sponsor a Class
Sponsor a 10-day group parenting session for 10 families ($3,750). Sponsor Name will be reflected in marketing materials as "B2E Class [X], sponsored by [Sponsor Name]."
IPI is a nonprofit educational organization established in 2006. Its status as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 charity operating in the State of Indiana was confirmed by the Internal Revenue Service in 2008. Therefore, your donations to IPI are tax-deductible.
2) Invest in the Future
At IPI, everything we do for our families is an investment in the future. Why? Because when outdated parenting practices are permitted to continue generationally, research consistently shows an increase in the following counterproductive behaviors amongst that current generation's youth:
Each caregiver upskilled at IPI reduces the number of youth who fall victim to counterproductive behaviors and their adverse life outcomes. And the more our children are able to realize their potential, the better our community is for it.
Violence (aka, Bullying)
Academic indifference
School dropout
Excessive emotionalism
Substance involvement

Invest in the future with us today...
Donate a Gift of Your Choice
Help a Parent. Save a Child.

in Raising Happy, Healthy, Responsible Kids...
Donating appreciated securities – such as stocks or mutual funds – is a tax-wise approach to supporting IPI.
Stock Gifts
Create a legacy that will support and help educate at-risk children as they grow from childhood to young adulthood.
Planned Giving
Facebook fundraisers are a fun and easy way to support our mission. Visit facebook.com/fundraisers, select Indiana Parenting Institute as your nonprofit, then share with your fb friends today!
Cy Pres is a doctrine that permits a court to award unallocated, unclaimed, or undeliverable funds from a settlement or judgment to a non-profit organization like IPI.
Cy Pres Award
3) Join the Movement
IPI is committed to Positive and Effective Parenting that educates and supports the healthy growth and development of children from the ages of Birth2Eighteen, and that results in the healthy growth and development of our community.

It's key to improving outcomes for families, children, and communities.
It develops relevant life skills that equip each generation of parents and children to successfully adjust and thrive as societies evolve.
It intentionally educates parents on the beneficial and adverse effects that one's parenting style can have on child behaviors and development.
It protects children and families from the harm of uninformed decisions, resulting in safer, more prosperous communities.
It continually educates parents on recent advancements in child development and human behavior, and on how to integrate that knowledge into their daily life.

Help us mobilize community stakeholders in advocacy for trauma-informed parenting & family management education that prevents child neglect & abuse and that reduces those Social Drivers of Health (SDH) that lead to health and life outcome inequities.

Engage with us in support of youth education and the importance of avoiding school failure, while providing opportunities for our youth to build a portfolio of community service and educational excellence as they transition into adulthood and lifelong self-independence.

Help us support, inspire, and connect moms and dads to information and resources on lifelong-education, a bridge out of poverty that elevates family health and well-being both socially and economically.
4) Become an Event Sponsor | Purchase an Ad
Indiana Parenting Institute's annual signature event:

an initiative of the Responsible Parenting Campaign
And join this notable group of community & family advocates: